Our Strategy

Beleuchtungsinvariante Kontourerkennung - Beleuchtungsinvariante Bewegungsdetektion - Hyperbeldetektion - Informationsraumanalyse - CI basierte Identifikatoren - Datenkategorisierer - Alarmierungsroutinen - Maschinenüberwachung - Harmonischenanalyse - DLS-Analysatoren - FD-Analysatoren - CI-Alarmierungsroutinen - Trendanalyse - neuronale Qualitätskontrolle - Sensorfusion - neuronale Prädiktoren - Analyse biologischer Signale - neuronal basierte Identifikatoren - akustische Mustererkennung - Trendanalyse - CI basierte Personenkategorisierung

₪ …our Strategy, your Strategic Advantage...

Software applications, there are many in the market, but often the problem arises which of them can be integrated without much effort into an existing production process or in an existing sensor configuration or for the processing of new data sets can be used best.

As the past shows, exceed the costs necessary for optimum adaptation to the existing software systems usually the financial cost of a new development.

On the other hand,  giving a software development into order is often  associated with the risk  that the new software application does not do what it must do in order to truly optimize your processes or tasks.

Taking those problems into account,  IngB RT&S developed a simple but minimized for you as large as possible risk business strategy, which can be depicted briefly summarized as:

You provide data of your application to be optimized /                      Production line, or explain your optimization concept to us.

 ₪ We analyze these in advance of an order and create a concept,         which we discuss with you and above all with those who are to       work with our application.

 In partnership we develope a clientele oriented software application for your existing or in the development located system(s).


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