
Lighting invariant Contour Detection - lighting invariant Change Detection -Hyperbola Detection - Information Space Analysis - CI- based Identification - Data Categorisation - Alarming Routines - Machine Monitoring - Harmonic Analysis - DLS-Analyser - FD-Analyser - CI-Alarming Routines - Trend Analyser - Neural Based Quality Control - Sensor Fusion - Neural Based Prediction - Analysis of Biological Signals - Neural Based Identification - Acoustic Pattern Recognition - CI-based People Categorizer - Digital Twins

₪ twin of a diabetes patient

    In times of centralization of the health system and thinning out of doctor's offices, 24/7 monitoring of diabetes patients is a challenge, especially because older patients living in rural areas in particular cannot visit a medical center/doctor/their family doctor regularly or in acute danger mode.

   IngB RT&S has responded to this challenge and designed and implemented a digital AI-driven twin of the patient. This twin is available in two versions: one as a desktop application and one as an app. This makes it possible for collected patient data to be sent directly (also) to the family doctor or a medical facility accompanying the patient in online mode - whereby this data is of course encrypted using the latest coding keys.

   If desired, psychological, social or other personal assessments by third parties (e.g. nursing staff) can be included in the evaluation of the patient's behavior/condition in a special mode in the 360-degree analysis of the patient.

   Our system works in two main working modes: patient mode, which can be adaptively interpreted in language and intercommunicative design, and doctor mode. In the latter, additional information, notes or therapy instructions can be entered.

   In addition to the color-coded status report of the patient/the assessment of the specialist staff/the additional assessors, our tool automatically creates a status report in which - hence the decision support system - suggestions for measures, suggestions for therapy instructions or suggestions for motivation are included. If desired, emergency numbers and/or contact details for others can also be entered into the system.

  This resulted in an application for personalized diabetes management, the patient carries his own accompanying neural network with him, which over time becomes more and more differentiated in terms of his lifestyle, his clinical picture and his personal habitus.

   And since we are all different from others, our personal behavior and actions also have a different effect on chronic diseases than on others. This CwA-driven technology "twins" the patient as well as the family doctor.

   Of course, our system is designed in such a way that it can be interpreted in a language-specific manner with just one click. Below are some screenshots of our system.

1) general condition analysis:

   The aforementioned 360-degree view of a patient means that, in addition to the general analysis of the condition, the various sub-aspects are evaluated separately. And even if these appear to be optimal, their behavior over time is crucial. An example shown here: on the left side is the current condition of a patient, on the right side is the long-term trend of the various patient parameters.

2) Trend analysis:

One look - one decision, the patient's overall status is "green", BUT in the long term, negative aspects are indicated in two areas of the 360-degree view. Our system reacts predictively and announces these. Advance intervention is all possible to prevent something worse from happening

With another click, it is shown which of the patient's parameters is negative and whether this occurs constantly or frequently.

3) Example report

After each analysis, the system's current assessment of the patient is available via a report. Here is an example of the aspect "support from family and friends", so this is a psychological assessment.

4 ) Example of the system's doctor mode

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