Karlsruhe, 13. January 2025
On January 13, 2025, a delegation of IngB RT&S, led by it's CEO Matthias Reuter, took part in the Pitch Night 2025 in Karlsruhe.
In addition to the presentations and the award ceremony for the nominated start-up companies, the Pitch Night 2025 was primarily characterized by nationwide networking and the preparation of further Interreg, Horizon and IHI applications, in which the decision support systems developed in-house will play a central role.
And of course we were interested in the very groundbreaking presentation by the Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economics, Robert Harbeck, on AI and the financial support of young, mostly highly innovative start-ups, which has certainly long been in need of optimization, to maintain and expand Germany as a high-tech location.
Left: Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck Right: Prof. Dr. Matthias Reuter, CEO IngB RT&S
Brüssel, June 10th, 2024
On June 10, 2024, our managing director Prof. Dr. Matthias Reuter took part in the Lower Saxony business reception at the representation of the state of Lower Saxony to the EU in Brussels.
In addition to the host, Economics Minister Olaf Lies, the high-profile event was marked by numerous representatives from politics, business and business associations.
We would like to thank you for the renewed invitation to a completely successful event, for the opportunity to have many new contacts and interesting conversations and for the really pleasant and open-minded atmosphere of the representation.
Munich, September 19.th, 2023
Right: Minister Olaf Lies,
Left: Prof. Dr. Matthias Reuter, CEO IngB RT&S
Based on the vote of an interdisciplinary jury, Focus business IngB awarded RT&S the title:
They praised our groundbreaking technology of lighting-independent contour recognition.
Goslar, October 20th 2023
The fact that IngB RT&S is probably the only company that develops new CI processes for automated ammunition detection, ammunition identification and ammunition recovery from the mountains and integrates them into autonomous robots was worth a main article in the Goslarsche Zeitung.
Brussels, January 1st, 2023
On January 1st, IngB RT&S was commissioned to develop an application of its color-restoring filter technology for use in autonomous underwater vehicles and to integrate it into existing ROVs as part of the EU-funded EU_Project EROVMUS. In the first deployment, these will detect old ammunition that has been brought to sea, categorize its condition and also identify badly damaged ammunition bodies.
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, July 7, 2022
Punctually, in addition to numerous newspapers, our home university, the Technical University of Clausthal, congratulates.
Thank You!
Hanover, July 5, 2022
On July 5, 2022, this year's innovation awards of the state of Lower Saxony took place.
In the "Economy" category, our bionic filter technology was awarded the Innovation Prize 2022 ₪ !
A great recognition of our developments and encouragement for the future at the same time!
June, 13. 20222, Brussels
On June 13, 2022, our managing director Prof. Dr. Matthias Reuter was invited to attend the Lower Saxony Business Reception at the representation of the State of Lower Saxony at the EU in Brussels.
In addition to the host, the Deputy Prime Minister and Lower Saxony Minister for Economics, Labour, Transport and Digitization Dr. Bernd Althusmann, the top-class event was characterized by numerous representatives from politics, business and trade associations.
We would like to thank for the invitation to an all-round successful event, for the opportunity to make many new contacts, interesting discussions and for the really pleasant and open atmosphere in the representation of the State of Lower Saxony at the EU in Brussels.
Right: Minister Dr. Bernd Althusmann,
Left: Prof. Dr. Matthias Reuter, CEO IngB RT&S
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