Cruise Black Sea

Lighting invariant Contour Detection - lighting invariant Change Detection -Hyperbola Detection - Information Space Analysis - CI- based Identification - Data Categorisation - Alarming Routines - Machine Monitoring - Harmonic Analysis - DLS-Analyser - FD-Analyser - CI-Alarming Routines - Trend Analyser - Neural Based Quality Control - Sensor Fusion - Neural Based Prediction - Analysis of Biological Signals - Neural Based Identification - Acoustic Pattern Recognition - CI-based People Categorizer - Digital Twin -

₪... applied research and development..

As part of the EU joint project MarTERA / EROVMUS, we were able to take part in a 10-day research trip organized by the National Institute for Research and Development on Marine and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar) to test our “See the World how it is” filter technology for color restoration and contour enhancement , as well as to test our lighting-invariant contour filter under real conditions on ROVs.

The special challenge for IngB RT&S this time was a different one, which can be briefly and succinctly formulated as follows: How can our artificial intelligence be integrated into "closed, "highly complex" technical systems without interfering with the basic functionality of the systems to be upgraded - and that regardless of what type, age or area of ​​responsibility they are assigned to? In any case, it could not be the previous standard way of implementing software modules into existing software solutions. This time an engineering-oriented task for the development team at IngB RT&S, whose solution consisted of the “by-pass system” approach. Developed in the laboratory, the first by-pass system of our self-adaptive filtering and categorization techniques was connected to the facial expressions of a "long-established" ROV on the Mare Nigra and successfully tested.

Our special thanks go to Sorin's ROV team, who ultimately gave us the right one out of what felt like hundreds of cables. The rest took 5 minutes, 5 minutes and the system was AI upgraded. And we are a lot smarter about how easy By-Pass.Systems are to integrate.

Ergo, in the future there will be no complex work on the system by specialist companies, no sending of existing equipment to the manufacturers, no modifications to existing control software solutions, which are often associated with unusual behavior.We worked together 24/7 for a few days, but we did it together!

Many thanks to the crew of the Mare Nigra for this constructive and successful collaboration and many thanks also to the ship's crew for working longer!

Here are a few impressions of the research trip...

The research ship"Mare Nigra"

In one of the control rooms

ROV of the Oceanic Institute Constanza

A ship full of sensors

and cranes...

Rediscovered after 70 years...the last Russian ship sunk by the German Navy

Done...our bypass systemcoupled and working

...well, we were both a bit exhausted, there were long nights and long days, because work comes before success and sometimes even simple solutions cannot be implemented intuitively...

...there are things that only exist at sea...

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