Hyperbola Detection

Beleuchtungsinvariante Kontourerkennung - Beleuchtungsinvariante Bewegungsdetektion - Hyperbeldetektion - Informationsraumanalyse - CI basierte Identifikatoren - Datenkategorisierer - Alarmierungsroutinen - Maschinenüberwachung - Harmonischenanalyse - DLS-Analysatoren - FD-Analysatoren - CI-Alarmierungsroutinen - Trendanalyse - neuronale Qualitätskontrolle - Sensorfusion - neuronale Prädiktoren - Analyse biologischer Signale - neuronal basierte Identifikatoren - akustische Mustererkennung - Trendanalyse - CI basierte Personenkategorisierung

₪ Hyperbola Detection/Hyperbola Identification

Hyperbola Tracking

In order to locate and/or to track buried objects such as IEDs, supply lines and cavities very often  ground penetrating radar is used. Since the evaluation of those  radargrams could be time consuming and partially performed only by specialists, IngB RT & S developed in the recent years various methods to highlight  automatically reflection

hyperbolas in  means of a control system and to track them over several measurements to detect and  mark objects in the underground.  For the purposes of this we developed and integrate in our recognition algorithms new kinds of  biologically based optical detection and tracking methods.

Moreover, in order to speed up the recognition process, we resorted   on the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA).

Previous applications for these algorithms are:

  •   Control system for IED detection and IED location


  • Control system for cavity detection,   
  • Control system for supply line detection and supply

line tracking.

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