Acoustical Signatures

Beleuchtungsinvariante Kontourerkennung - Beleuchtungsinvariante Bewegungsdetektion - Hyperbeldetektion - Informationsraumanalyse - CI basierte Identifikatoren - Datenkategorisierer - Alarmierungsroutinen - Maschinenüberwachung - Harmonischenanalyse - DLS-Analysatoren - FD-Analysatoren - CI-Alarmierungsroutinen - Trendanalyse - neuronale Qualitätskontrolle - Sensorfusion - neuronale Prädiktoren - Analyse biologischer Signale - neuronal basierte Identifikatoren - akustische Mustererkennung - Trendanalyse - CI basierte Personenkategorisierung

₪ Identification of Helicopters based on their 

acoustical Signature

For humans, no problem for the technique a steep cliff : the detection and identification of helicopters based on their typical sound image. In keeping with it's strategy to implement biological principles in algorithmic structures, IngB RT&S developed a software that uses special neural structure elements to  filters out any noise scenarios, identify the proper  helicopter signatur and use it  to identify the rotorcraft - and this regardless of meteorological and flight-specific parameters. Of course, the basic method used in this application can also be applied for the detection and identification of other sources of noise. For example to detect and identify  material changes in time during operation, and / or under specific loads.

Example applications  of our software are:

  • Engine monitoring
  • Spreaker  recognition
  • Vibration control
  • Constance vibration monitoring
  • Material inspection

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